Countless measures to contain the pandemic have been with us for almost two years, and they have changed regularly. While the rules are relaxed in many areas, 2-G Plus continues to apply when visiting hospitals and retirement homes.
When visiting Vienna’s hospitals or nursing and retirement homes, you must be vaccinated or recovered, PCR tested, and put on an FFP2 mask. In hospitals, one can enter in exceptional cases with a valid antigen rapid test, such as minors, those in need of support, pregnant women, or hardship cases.
Few visits to the hospital
There are significant differences in the number of visits allowed. Two trips per day are allowed in nursing homes and homes for the elderly. It is much stricter in urban hospitals. During the first week of hospitalization, patients are not allowed any visits. Only after the second week is one visit per week allowed. Exceptions are also made for minors, those in need of support, hardship cases, or pregnant women.
The city says that the current visitation rules apply as long as the epidemiological situation requires or depends on what the federal government decrees. If and when the rules will change, it is not possible to say at this time, it said. Incidentally, 2.5-G (i.e., vaccinated, recovered, or PCR-tested) applies to work in hospitals and homes. In addition, an FFP2 mask must be worn.
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